Welcome to Gaelic at the University of Edinburgh - 2024/25

Welcome to another year at the University of Edinburgh. Use the Gaelic at the University pages to find out about Gaelic on campus and in the city.

Fàilte banner over image of the city.

Leugh sa Ghàidhlig

On these pages, students and staff with Gaelic and those that are learning can find information about Gaelic opportunities, resources and events on campus and in our local area. 

If you are starting at the University of Edinburgh this year, or if you are a returning student, why not start with the information below to find out about Gaelic at the University and in the city? 

Remember that we will be sharing information and news every month through our student newsletter. 

Sign up to the student newsletter 

Gaelic at the University  

Students dancing at a ceilidh during Gaelic Week.

Gaelic has been part of University life for many years. Read our story on the interactive timeline below, and find out about the University's oldest student society, An Comann Ceilteach. 

History of Gaelic at the University 

The Highland Society 

An Comann Ceilteach, the Highland Society, is the oldest student society at the University. Throughout the year, the society will be holding cultural and social events that are often bilingual. Learn more on their Instagram page. 

The Highland Society on Instagram

Edinburgh University Students' Association 

Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA) are the group that represent the student voice at the University. EUSA have been working hard to support Gaelic over the years, and they are represented on the University's Gaelic Language Plan Working Group. 

Edinburgh University Students' Association 

Gaelic in Edinburgh

As at the University, the city of Edinburgh has a long history of Gaelic, and the Gaelic community has grown since the last census. 

There are loads of Gaelic groups operating in Edinburgh, from choirs and music to art and sport. Check out the Gaelic groups in Edinburgh, and don't miss Bothan Dhùn Èideann, a Gaelic music night, the first Friday of every month! 

Gaelic groups in Edinburgh 

Bothan Dhùn Èideann on Instagram

Children crafting at Pop Up Ionad event.

Edinburgh's Gaelic Footsteps 

Are you new to Edinburgh? Take a stroll around the city between different sites connected to Gaelic. This map was created by Capital Gaelic, a network of national and local organisations in Edinburgh working to support Gaelic in the city. 

Edinburgh Gaelic Tour on Google Maps

Language Support 

In addition to the social opportunities, Gaelic language support is available at the University. You can find our language packs and Gaelic spellchecker on the website, making it easier for you to write in Gaelic on University PCs and on Microsoft 360 online. CALL Scotland have also made available a Gaelic text-to-speech tool. 

Language Support 

Take part  

Do you like writing? Art? Do you have ideas for what you would like to see on our pages? Get in touch with Isla, Gaelic Officer at the University, to share your thoughts!

Get in touch