Gaelic on Campus

Our principle and commitments to Gaelic on Campus.


We will take a cross-University approach to enhance the visibility, use, and profile of Gaelic across our campuses. 

Our Commitments
  1. Deliver this Gaelic Plan, led by the Gaelic Officer with support from the Gaelic Plan Working Group. 
  2. Continue to promote the use of the University’s Gaelic logo and explore the option of a bilingual logo. 
  3. Provide and promote resource for increased visibility and use of Gaelic in University systems and on the University website.  
  4. Include Gaelic in welcome and graduation ceremonies. 
  5. Display Gaelic welcome signage and screens and promote the use of Gaelic in bilingual signage on new and re-developed University buildings. 
  6. Report on Gaelic use, learning, and teaching centrally, including by surveying staff and students on their Gaelic abilities.
  7. Continue to stock and expand Gaelic-language merchandise at the University of Edinburgh shop. 
Students dancing at ceilidh.
The Highland Society Ceilidh for Gaelic Week Edinburgh, hosted in Greyfriars Charteris Centre.

Case Study

Conversation Circles

Our Gaelic conversation circles offer informal opportunities for Gaelic-speakers and learners from across Edinburgh and the world to come together and use Gaelic. Our regular Thursday conversation circle continues to operate online, welcoming Gaelic-speakers from as close to home as Leith, Liberton and Lewis and as far afield as Melbourne, Toronto and Buenos Aires. 

The University also hosts an in-person Gaelic conversation circle during term-time in collaboration with Capital Gaelic, providing a meeting space for Gaelic-speakers and learners locally and promoting the use of Gaelic in Edinburgh.