Our principle and commitments to People & Community. PrincipleWe will encourage and cultivate a supportive and active community of Gaelic-speakers at the University and within our local area. Our Commitments The University will: Progress, develop, and support the Gaelic residential flat initiative so that Gaelic-speaking students can use the language daily in a home environment. Develop a peer-support system for students who speak or are learning Gaelic at Moray House, Celtic and Scottish Studies, and the Centre for Open Learning. Work in partnership with student bodies and groups, encouraging increased Gaelic use and visibility in Edinburgh University Students’ Association buildings and activities, and maintaining our close relationship with and support the activities of the Edinburgh University Highland Society. Develop immersive Gaelic opportunities for those who speak or are learning Gaelic to enable them to build relationships through the medium of Gaelic. Maintain and continue to promote the Gaelic Writer in Residence scheme. Explore and develop opportunities to encourage and enable students and staff to promote Gaelic use locally, nationally, and globally through a Gaelic Edinburgh Award or Gaelic Ambassador scheme. Use social media, newsletters, and the Gaelic pages of the University website to promote and raise awareness of Gaelic throughout the University and with the wider community. Offer opportunities for members of our Gaelic-speaking alumnae to maintain a close relationship with the University. Gaelic Writer in Residence Martin MacIntyre talking at the launch of "A' Ruith Eadar Dà Dhràgon". Case Study Gaelic Writer in ResidenceEstablished in 2022, the University’s Gaelic Writer in Residence scheme aims to promote and encourage writing in Gaelic across the University and beyond. The post offers the opportunity for writers to develop a creative piece during their two-year tenure and to work with our staff, students, and local community to encourage writing locally through workshops and events. Award-winning author, poet, and storyteller, Martin MacIntyre, was appointed as the University’s first Gaelic Writer in Residence in 2022. Gaelic on Campus This article was published on 2024-10-29