Language and Culture Videos

Gaelic-related videos from the University of Edinburgh.

Gaelic Language & Culture Taster 1: History & Context


Gaelic Language & Culture Taster 2: The bones of the language



Links referenced in the video:

The School of Scottish Studies Archives

Tobar an Dualchais

BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Gaelic Language & Culture Taster 3: Common myths & the reality



The light levels can change dramatically in different frames, so if you experience light sensitivity or epileptic seizures, please choose the audio only option below.

Audio only:


Links referenced in the video:

Ar Stòras Gàidhlig: The economic and social value of Gaelic as an asset - Executive Summary (Highlands and Islands Enterprise)

Scotland's Census 2011: Gaelic Report (part 1)

Bòrd na Gàidhlig: Education

Bilingualism Matters

Full text of Cànan nan Gàidheal

University Stories 1: Gaelic Nature Walk