Our Principles for Gaelic

Five principles that will embed Gaelic across University practice.

  1. We will continue to deliver, promote, and expand our opportunities for lifelong learning of Gaelic language and culture and support teaching at the University.
  2. We will promote, protect, and make accessible our internationally significant Gaelic collections and encourage and support Gaelic research at the University.
  3. We will encourage and cultivate a supportive and active community of Gaelic-speakers at the University and within our local area.
  4. We will take a cross-University approach to enhance the visibility, use, and profile of Gaelic across our campuses.
  5. We will continue to seek opportunities for partnership working and promote the University as a centre for Gaelic use, teaching, and research.

Each of the five principles in our draft Gaelic Plan is underpinned by a series of commitments


Gaelic tour participants in Edinburgh Old Town.
Gaelic in Edinburgh tour hosted by Invisible Cities during Gaelic Week Edinburgh.