Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes MSP welcomes the University's Gaelic Plan 2025-2030. Read our Gaelic Plan View media transcript The University of Edinburgh has long made a vital contribution to Gaelic development. This is seen in your language plan and its contribution to fulfilling the aims of the National Gaelic Language Plan. It is also evident in the university's status as a major centre of study for Gaelic and Celtic, its importance in training Gaelic medium teachers. ’S fhada a tha àite riatanach air a bhith aig Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann ann an leasachadh na Gàidhlig. Chìthear sin ann am plana Gàidhlig an oilthigh agus mar a tha seo a’ cur ri amasan Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig. Tha e cuideachd follaiseach ann an inbhe an oilthigh mar aon de na prìomh làraichean airson ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig agus Ceiltis agus cho cudromach sa tha e do thrèanadh thidsearan Gàidhlig. Learning Opportunities Gaelic CoursesLearn About Gaelic Gaelic News Community at the heart of Gaelic eventsThe University of Edinburgh's Gaelic flat 2025/26 open for applicationsWelcome to Gaelic at the University of Edinburgh - 2024/25Gaelic language and culture takes centre stage at School of Education Annual Lecture Sign up to our Gaelic newsletter Sign up for Gaelic news and events. Events Gaelic Week EdinburghConversation Circles Resources Gaelic in EdinburghLanguage PacksEDI Gaelic GlossaryGaelic Merchandise Contact Us Gaelic Officer Collections School of Scottish Studies ArchivesTobar an Dualchais / Kist o RichesNew College Gaelic Plan Gaelic Plan 2025-2030Working Group The Highland Society This article was published on 2024-10-29