Our principle and commitments to Partnership Working. PrincipleWe will continue to seek opportunities for partnership working and promote the University as a centre for Gaelic use, teaching, and research. Our Commitments Ensure the continued success of Gaelic Week Edinburgh in collaboration with the City of Edinburgh Council and the Capital Gaelic network. Work with partners internally and externally to offer regular Gaelic musical and cultural events for staff, students, and the local community, including working with An Comunn Gàidhealach to continue to host the annual John MacLeod Memorial Festival at the University. Continue to support and participate in the Capital Gaelic network and to work with other Gaelic organisations in Edinburgh to promote Gaelic in the city. Work with partners to develop and promote paid Gaelic internship opportunities for our students. Work collaboratively with Ionad Gàidhlig Dhùn Èideann to support the initiative to establish a Gaelic centre in the city. Continue to work with other university and college Gaelic officers and departments to help coordinate the Higher and Further Education voice on issues of importance to Gaelic. Coordinate the University’s contribution to Gaelic public policy and cultural discussion. Establish regular contact with external Gaelic-speaking media outlets to promote Gaelic activity at the University. Attendees singing at Ionad Pop Up hosted by Edinburgh Gaelic Centre in collaboration with Capital Gaelic, the City of Edinburgh Council, and the University. Case Study Gaelic Week EdinburghEstablished in 2014, Gaelic Week Edinburgh is a celebration of Gaelic language, culture and community in the city. With events including film screenings, walking tours, and multilingual performances of story, song and poetry, Gaelic Week Edinburgh is hosted by the University in collaboration with the City of Edinburgh Council and Capital Gaelic, and runs at the same time as the wider World Gaelic Week, established 2021. Capital Gaelic is an innovative new project bringing together local and national organisations across Edinburgh, including the National Library of Scotland, National Museums Scotland, and Comunn na Gàidhlig, to promote Gaelic in the city. Gaelic Week Edinburgh Implementation and Monitoring This article was published on 2024-10-29