This Gaelic Plan will be delivered over the period 2025-2030 and, as a University-wide plan, it will require the whole institution to live up to these commitments. The Gaelic Plan Working Group (GPWG) will have overall responsibility for the implementation of this plan and will provide support and oversight to the Gaelic Officer, who will be responsible for day-to-day implementation. Chaired by the Deputy Director – Stakeholder Relations, the GPWG is made up of representatives from both the academic and professional services sides of the University, and includes a representative from the Edinburgh University Students’ Association. The GPWG will, in turn, report on the progress of the Gaelic Plan to the Sustainability, Civic and Social Responsibility (SCSR) Committee (or the appropriate successor committee) on an annual basis, or as requested. Gaelic Plan Working Group (GPWG)In order to achieve the aims of this plan, we will ensure that adequate resource and funding is in place to meet the commitments, including by maintaining the Gaelic Officer post and investigating what additional resource might be necessary to support their work and the wider commitments. We will continue to monitor and promote the commitments of this plan and be accountable to our staff, students and local community. In order to achieve this aim, we will: Publicise this plan widely amongst staff and students. A more detailed implementation plan will be developed and used by those with roles in implementation. Review the membership of the GPWG to ensure representation from key stakeholders in the delivery of this plan. Information and contact details of the members of the GPWG will be published.Use our dedicated Gaelic communication channels to highlight our activity and progress on our Plan to staff, students and the community. Assess the impact of our projects and commitments by monitoring attendance and engagement figures at Gaelic events, learning and training opportunities, and social media activity, and other evaluation measures as determined in the implementation plan. Attendees at the Guid Crack Storytelling Night hosted by the Scottish Storytelling Centre for Gaelic Week Edinburgh. Isla Parker Gaelic and Community Relations Officer Stakeholder Relations Communications and Marketing Contact details Email: Our Community This article was published on 2024-10-29